How to Start a Club STUNT Program
Learn about the game of STUNT!
Get your STUNT Coach Membership started. You will have access to additional training resources through your membership. Membership is available June 1 and expires May 31.
Make copies of the information below and begin to organize in a binder with tabs. Once the season gets started and you complete your Program Membership, you can add your 8-count sheets to this as well.
- Guide for New Coaches (Available on the Resources/Documents page)
- STUNT Rule book (Available with your STUNT Program Membership materials)
- Hosting Packet (Available on the Resources/Documents page)
- Overview of STUNT Training (Course available with your STUNT Coach Membership)
- Club STUNT Training
- Birthdate Verification required.
Establish a registration date and assessment date (if applicable). Provide the timeline and criteria for selecting the teams (age, skills, etc.) Remember the pool of athletes can expand outside the current athletes in your organization to include those involved in cheerleading, gymnasts, competitive cheer athletes, weightlifters, etc.
Reach out to surrounding clubs to see who is planning on hosting tournaments and what the dates will be. Work together to set tournaments based on hosting locations that everyone can attend. With the STUNT format, two, three, or four teams can meet in one location and play multiple games. If you do not have available facilities to host a tournament, work with your local middle or high schools for mats and indoor facility space. Contact USA Cheer to assist in getting this process started.
Once you’re ready to play, get your program membership and create your teams. For example, if you have two (2) 18U teams and one (1) 11U team, you should have three (3) teams under the same program membership all with different names. Your program membership will provide you with the licensed music, 8-count sheets, glossary, rule book, routine videos, and allow you to roster your athletes. Membership is available June 1 and expires May 31.
Have each of your athletes get an Athlete Membership through USA Cheer and associate themselves with the correct program. Program administrators can do this for them or they can go in and do this themselves. Program membership is available June 1 and expires May 31.
To be able to roster your athletes to a team, they must have a current athlete membership.
To register for sanctioned tournaments, you can access them through your USA Cheer account.
Enjoy your season and be sure to share on social media with the hashtag “#STUNTtheSport”!